2024.03.08 Tohoku International School (TIS) IB DP Visual Arts Exhibition 東北インターナショナルスクール 美術コース卒業制作展

This exhibition is by the senior high school students in the IB DP Visual Arts Course at Tohoku International School. They will be presenting a variety of pieces such as paintings, collages, sculptures, as well as installation pieces created over the past two years.

Students have each chosen a personal topic or theme, and have sought ways to create work that invites the audience to look further into it from a variety of points of view. They have used art as a way to explore and communicate their ideas, thoughts, interests, and questions. We hope you will come to take a peek at our show!

東北インターナショナルスクールのIB/DP ビジュアル・アートコースの高校生の作品展です。過去2年に渡り彼らが制作した絵画、コラージュ、彫刻などを展示します。生徒たちは、個々に選択したテーマに沿って、アートを通じて自らの視点、考え、疑問を表現しています。